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Lego shark book nook!

I have been fascinated with bookshelf inserts or "book nook" in the last few years. Some talented artists make some amazing models out there and I can spend hours looking at their YouTube videos. I'd wanted to build myself one for a while but as a perfectionist, seeing the beautiful creations out there just made me feel I could never make something quite as beautiful as the ones you can find on the Internet so I tend to just give up before I even start. But the idea of having a tiny scene among my books would just not leave my brain. And then, it hit me.  I had a tiny Lego shark I'd saved from my childhood, the Creator 3-in-1 shark set and the more recent hammerhead that comes with the small submarine set... What if I created a Lego subaquatic set? So two custom pick-a-brick orders later, voilĂ , my very own Lego shark bookshelf insert!! I must say I do love it. I may submit it to the Lego Ideas community. Later I'd like to add flickering LED lights but I n...

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